Configuration Guide

The following guide will help you configure values.yaml file for a SuperSONIC deployment. The full list of parameters can be found in the Configuration Reference.

You can find example values files in the SuperSONIC GitHub repository.

1. Select a Triton Inference Server version

Triton version must be specified in the triton.image parameter in the values file.

2. Configure Triton model repository

  • To learn about the structure of model repositories, refer to the NVIDIA Model Repository Guide.

  • Model repositories are specified in the triton.args parameter in the values file. The parameter contains the full command that launches a Triton server; you can specify one or multiple model repositories via the --model-repository flag.

  • For example, the following command loads multiple CMS models hosted at CVMFS:

  - |
   /opt/tritonserver/bin/tritonserver \
   --model-repository=/cvmfs/ \
   --model-repository=/cvmfs/ \
   --model-repository=/cvmfs/ \
   --model-repository=/cvmfs/ \
   --allow-gpu-metrics=true \
   --log-verbose=0 \
   --strict-model-config=false \
  • Make sure that the model repository paths exist. You can load models from a volume mounted to the Triton container. The following options for model repository mounting are provided via triton.modelRepository parameter in values.yaml:

Model repository options
# -- Model repository configuration
  # Set to `true` to enable model repository mounting
  enabled: true

  # -- Model repository mount path (e.g /cvmfs/)
  mountPath: ""

  ## Model repository options:

  ## Option 1: mount an arbitrary PersistentVolumeClaim
  storageType: "pvc"

  ## -- OR --
  ## Option 2: mount CVMFS as PersistentVolumeClaim (CVMFS StorageClass must be installed at the cluster)
  storageType: "cvmfs-pvc"

  ## -- OR --
  ## Option 3: mount CVMFS via hostPath (CVMFS must be already mounted on the nodes)
  storageType: "cvmfs"

  ## -- OR --
  ## Option 4: mount an NFS storage volume
  storageType: "nfs"

3. Select resources for Triton pods

  • You can configure CPU, memory, and GPU resources for Triton pods via the triton.resources parameter in the values file:

  limits: 1
    cpu: 2
    memory: 16G
  requests: 1
    cpu: 2
    memory: 16G
  • In addition, you can use triton.affinity to steer Triton pods to nodes with specific GPU models:

        - matchExpressions:
          - key:
            operator: In
              - NVIDIA-A10
              - NVIDIA-A40
              - NVIDIA-L40
              - NVIDIA-L4

4. Configure Envoy Proxy

By default, Envoy proxy is enabled and configured to provide per-request load balancing between Triton inference servers.

Once the SuperSONIC chart is installed, you need an address by which clients can connect to the Envoy proxy and send inference requests.

There are two options:

  • Ingress (recommended): Use an Ingress to expose the Envoy proxy to the outside world. You can configure the Ingress resource via the envoy.ingress parameters in the values file:

        enabled: true
        host: "<ingress_url>"
        ingressClassName: "<ingress_class>"
        annotations: {}

    In this case, the client connections should be established to <ingress_url>:443 and use SSL.

    For information on how to configure Ingress for your cluster, please refer to cluster documentation or contact cluster administrators.

  • LoadBalancer Service: This option allows to expose the Envoy proxy without using Ingress, but it may not be allowed at some Kubernetes clusters. To enable this, set the following parameters in the values file:

    • envoy.service.type: LoadBalancer

    • envoy.ingress.enabled: false

    The LoadBalancer service can then be mapped to an external URL, depending on the settings of a given cluster. Please contact cluster administrators for more information.

    In this case, the client connections should be established to <load_balancer_url>:8001 and NOT use SSL.

5. (optional) Configure rate limiting in Envoy Proxy

There are two types of rate limiting available in Envoy Proxy: listener-level, and prometheus-based.

  • Listener-level rate limiting allows to explicitly limit the number of client connections established to the Envoy proxy endpoint. It can be useful to prevent overloading the proxy with too many simultaneous client connections.

    The listener-level rate limiting is implemented via “token bucket” algorithm. Each new connection consumes a token from the bucket, and the bucket is refilled at a constant rate.

    Example configuration in values.yaml:

      enabled: true
          # -- Enable rate limiter
          enabled: false
          # -- Maximum number of simultaneous connections to the Envoy Proxy.
          max_tokens: 5
          # -- ``tokens_per_fill`` tokens are added to the "bucket" every ``fill_interval``, allowing new connections to be established.
          tokens_per_fill: 1
          # -- For example, adding a new token every 12 seconds allows 5 new connections every minute.
          fill_interval: 12s
  • Prometheus-based rate limiting allows an additional layer of rate limiting based on a metric queried from a Prometheus server. This can be useful to dynamically control server load and stop accepting new connections when GPUs are saturated.

    This rate limiter can be enabled via the envoy.rate_limiter.prometheus_based parameter in the values file.

    At the moment, this functionality is configured to only reject RepositoryIndex requests to Triton servers, and it ignores any other requests in order not to slow down the inferences.

    The metric and threshold for the Prometheus-based rate limiter are the same as those used for the autoscaler (see Prometheus Configuration).

6. (optional) Configure authentication in Envoy Proxy

At the moment, the only supported authentication method is JWT. Example configuration for IceCube:

    enabled: true
    audiences: [icecube]
    port: 443

7. Deploy a Prometheus server or connect to an existing one

Prometheus is needed to scrape metrics for monitoring, as well as for the rate limiter and autoscaler.

  • Option 1 (recommended): Deploy a new Prometheus server.

    This will allow to configure a shorter scraping interval, resulting in a more responsive rate limiter and autoscaler. Prometheus server typically uses only a small amount of resources and does not require special permissions for installation.

    This option installs Prometheus as a subchart, the default values for it are set to reasonable values. You can further customize the Prometheus installation by passing parameters from official Prometheus values.yaml file under the prometheus section of the SuperSONIC values file:

      enabled: true

    The parameters you will most likely need to configure in your values file are related to Ingress for web access to Prometheus UI.


    This option requires permissions to list pods in the installation namespace. Permission validation is performed automatically: if you don’t have the necessary permissions, an error message will be printed when running helm install command.

  • Option 2: Connect to an existing Prometheus server.

    If you don’t have enough permissions to install a new Prometheus server, you can connect to an existing one. If prometheus.external.enabled is set to true, all parameters in the prometheus section, except the ones under prometheus.external, are ignored.

        enabled: true
          scheme: "<https or http>"
          url: "<prometheus_url>"
          port: <prometheus_port>

8. (optional) Configure metrics for scaling and rate limiting

Both the rate limiter and the autoscaler are currently configured to use the same Prometheus metric and threshold. They are defined in the serverLoadMetric and serverLoadThreshold parameters at the root level of the values file. The default metric is the inference queue time at the Triton servers, as defined in here.

When the metric value exceeds the threshold, the following happens:

  • Autoscaler scales up the number of Triton servers if possible.

  • Envoy proxy rejects new RepositoryIndex requests.

The pre-configured Grafana dashboard contains a graph of this metric, entitled “Server Load Metric”. The Prometheus query for the graph is automatically inferred from the value of serverLoadMetric parameter. The graph also displays the threshold value defined in serverLoadThreshold parameter.

9. (optional) Deploy Grafana dashboard

Grafana is used to visualize metrics collected by Prometheus. We provide a pre-configured Grafana dashboard which includes many useful metrics, including latency breakdown, GPU utilization, and more.

Grafana is installed as a subchart with most of the default values pre-configured. You can further customize the Grafana installation by passing parameters from official Grafana values.yaml file under the grafana section of the SuperSONIC values file:

  enabled: true

The values you will most likely need to configure in your values file are related to Grafana Ingress for web access, and datasources to connect to Prometheus,

Supersonic Grafana dashboard

10. (optional) Enable KEDA autoscaler

Autoscaling is implemented via KEDA (Kubernetes Event-Driven Autoscaler) and can be enabled via the autoscaler.enabled parameter in the values file.


Deploying KEDA autoscaler requires KEDA CustomResourceDefinitions to be installed in the cluster. Please contact cluster administrators if this step of installation fails.

The parameters autoscaler.minReplicaCount and autoscaler.maxReplicaCount define the range in which the number of Triton servers can scale.

Additional optional parameters can control how quickly the autoscaler reacts to changes in the Prometheus metric:

  enabled: true

  minReplicaCount: 1
  maxReplicaCount: 10

    stabilizationWindowSeconds: 120
    periodSeconds: 30
    stepsize: 1
    stabilizationWindowSeconds: 120
    periodSeconds: 30
    stepsize: 1