Extension API

hls4ml natively supports a large number of neural network layers. But what if a desired layer is not supported? If it is standard enough and its implementation would benefit the community as a whole, we would welcome a contribution to add it to the standard set of supported layers. However, if it is a somewhat niche custom layer, there is another approach we can take to extend hls4ml through the extension API.

This documentation will walk through a complete complete end-to-end example, which is part of our testing suite. To implement a custom layer in hls4ml with the extension API, the required components are:

  • Your custom layer class

  • Equivalent hls4ml custom layer class

  • Parser for the converter

  • HLS implementation

  • Layer config template

  • Function config template

  • Registration of layer, source code, and templates


currently, then extension API supports keras models. Support for pytorch models is in development.

Complete example

For concreteness, let’s say our custom layer KReverse is implemented in Keras and reverses the order of the last dimension of the input.

# Keras implementation of a custom layer
class KReverse(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
    '''Keras implementation of a hypothetical custom layer'''

    def __init__(self):

    def call(self, inputs):
        return tf.reverse(inputs, axis=[-1])

    def get_config(self):
        return super().get_config()

Make sure you define a get_config() method for your custom layer as this is needed for correct parsing. We can define the equivalent layer in hls4ml HReverse, which inherits from hls4ml.model.layers.Layer.

# hls4ml layer implementation
class HReverse(hls4ml.model.layers.Layer):
    '''hls4ml implementation of a hypothetical custom layer'''

    def initialize(self):
        inp = self.get_input_variable()
        shape = inp.shape
        dims = inp.dim_names
        self.add_output_variable(shape, dims)

A parser for the Keras to HLS converter is also required. This parser reads the attributes of the Keras layer instance and populates a dictionary of attributes for the hls4ml layer. It also returns a list of output shapes (one sjape for each output). In this case, there a single output with the same shape as the input.

# Parser for converter
def parse_reverse_layer(keras_layer, input_names, input_shapes, data_reader):
    layer = {}
    layer['class_name'] = 'HReverse'
    layer['name'] = keras_layer['config']['name']
    layer['n_in'] = input_shapes[0][1]

    if input_names is not None:
        layer['inputs'] = input_names

    return layer, [shape for shape in input_shapes[0]]

Next, we need the actual HLS implementaton of the function, which can be written in a header file nnet_reverse.h.


#include "nnet_common.h"

namespace nnet {

struct reverse_config {
    static const unsigned n_in = 10;

template<class data_T, typename CONFIG_T>
void reverse(
    data_T input[CONFIG_T::n_in],
    data_T reversed[CONFIG_T::n_in]
) {
    for (int i = 0; i < CONFIG_T::n_in; i++) {
        reversed[CONFIG_T::n_in - 1 - i] = input[i];



Now, we can define the layer config and function call templates. These two templates determine how to populate the config template based on the layer attributes and the function call signature for the layer in HLS, respectively.

rev_config_template = """struct config{index} : nnet::reverse_config {{
    static const unsigned n_in = {n_in};

rev_function_template = 'nnet::reverse<{input_t}, {config}>({input}, {output});'
rev_include_list = ['nnet_utils/nnet_reverse.h']

class HReverseConfigTemplate(hls4ml.backends.template.LayerConfigTemplate):
    def __init__(self):
        self.template = rev_config_template

    def format(self, node):
        params = self._default_config_params(node)
        return self.template.format(**params)

class HReverseFunctionTemplate(hls4ml.backends.template.FunctionCallTemplate):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__(HReverse, include_header=rev_include_list)
        self.template = rev_function_template

    def format(self, node):
        params = self._default_function_params(node)
        return self.template.format(**params)

Now, we need to tell hls4ml about the existence of this new layer by registering it. We also need to register the parser (a.k.a. the layer handler), the template passes, and HLS implementation source code with the particular backend. In this case, the HLS code is valid for both the Vivado and Quartus backends.

# Register the converter for custom Keras layer
hls4ml.converters.register_keras_layer_handler('KReverse', parse_reverse_layer)

# Register the hls4ml's IR layer
hls4ml.model.layers.register_layer('HReverse', HReverse)

for backend_id in ['Vivado', 'Quartus']:
    # Register the optimization passes (if any)
    backend = hls4ml.backends.get_backend(backend_id)
    backend.register_pass('remove_duplicate_reverse', RemoveDuplicateReverse, flow=f'{backend_id.lower()}:optimize')

    # Register template passes for the given backend

    # Register HLS implementation

Finally, we can actually test the hls4ml custom layer compared to the Keras one.

# Test if it works
kmodel = tf.keras.models.Sequential(

x = np.random.randint(-5, 5, (8,), dtype='int32')
kres = kmodel(x)

for backend_id in ['Vivado', 'Quartus']:

    hmodel = hls4ml.converters.convert_from_keras_model(
        hls_config={'Model': {'Precision': 'ap_int<6>', 'ReuseFactor': 1}},

    hres = hmodel.predict(x.astype('float32'))

    np.testing.assert_array_equal(kres, hres)