Hardware-aware Optimization API

Pruning and weight sharing are effective techniques to reduce model footprint and computational requirements. The hls4ml Optimization API introduces hardware-aware pruning and weight sharing. By defining custom objectives, the algorithm solves a Knapsack optimization problem aimed at maximizing model performance, while keeping the target resource(s) at a minimum. Out-of-the box objectives include network sparsity, GPU FLOPs, Vivado DSPs, memory utilization etc.

The code block below showcases three use cases of the hls4ml Optimization API - network sparsity (unstructured pruning), GPU FLOPs (structured pruning) and Vivado DSP utilization (pattern pruning). First, we start with unstructured pruning:

from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam
from tensorflow.keras.metrics import CategoricalAccuracy
from tensorflow.keras.losses import CategoricalCrossentropy
from hls4ml.optimization.dsp_aware_pruning.keras import optimize_model
from hls4ml.optimization.dsp_aware_pruning.keras.utils import get_model_sparsity
from hls4ml.optimization.dsp_aware_pruning.attributes import get_attributes_from_keras_model
from hls4ml.optimization.dsp_aware_pruning.objectives import ParameterEstimator
from hls4ml.optimization.dsp_aware_pruning.scheduler import PolynomialScheduler
# Define baseline model and load data
# X_train, y_train = ...
# X_val, y_val = ...
# X_test, y_test = ...
# baseline_model = ...
# Evaluate baseline model
y_baseline = baseline_model.predict(X_test)
acc_base = accuracy_score(np.argmax(y_test, axis=1), np.argmax(y_baseline, axis=1))
sparsity, layers = get_model_sparsity(baseline_model)
print(f'Baseline Keras accuracy: {acc_base}')
print(f'Baseline Keras sparsity, overall: {sparsity}')
print(f'Baseline Keras sparsity, per-layer: {layers}')
# Defining training parameters
# Epochs refers to the number of maximum epochs to train a model, after imposing some sparsity
# If the model is pre-trained, a good rule of thumb is to use between a 1/3 and 1/2 of the number of epochs used to train baseline model
epochs = 10
batch_size = 128
metric = 'accuracy'
optimizer = Adam()
loss_fn = CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True)

# Define the metric to monitor, as well as if its increasing or decreasing
# This disctinction allows us to optimize both regression and classification models
# In regression, e.g. minimize validation MSE & for classification e.g. maximize accuracy
metric, increasing = CategoricalAccuracy(), True
# Relative tolerance (rtol) is the the relative loss in metric the optimized model is allowed to incur
rtol = 0.975

# A scheduler defines how the sparsity is incremented at each step
# In this case, the maximum sparsity is 50% and it will be applied at a polynomially decreasing rate, for 10 steps
# If the final sparsity is unspecified, it is set to 100%
# The optimization algorithm stops either when (i) the relative drop in performance is below threshold or (ii) final sparsity reached
scheduler = PolynomialScheduler(5, final_sparsity=0.5)
# Get model attributes
model_attributes = get_attributes_from_keras_model(baseline_model)

# Optimize model
# ParameterEstimator is the objective and, in this case, the objective is to minimize the total number of parameters
optimized_model = optimize_model(
    baseline_model, model_attributes, ParameterEstimator, scheduler,
    X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, batch_size, epochs, optimizer, loss_fn, metric, increasing, rtol
# Evaluate optimized model
y_optimized = optimized_model.predict(X_test)
acc_optimized = accuracy_score(np.argmax(y_test, axis=1), np.argmax(y_optimized, axis=1))
sparsity, layers = get_model_sparsity(optimized_model)
print(f'Optimized Keras accuracy: {acc_optimized}')
print(f'Optimized Keras sparsity, overall: {sparsity}')
print(f'Opimized Keras sparsity, per-layer: {layers}')

In a similar manner, it is possible to target GPU FLOPs or Vivado DSPs. However, in that case, sparsity is not equivalent to model sparsity. Instead, it is the sparsity of the target resource. As an example: Starting with a network utilizing 512 DSPs and a final sparsity of 50%; the optimized network will use 256 DSPs.

To optimize GPU FLOPs, the code is similar to above:

from hls4ml.optimization.dsp_aware_pruning.objectives.gpu_objectives import GPUFLOPEstimator

# Optimize model
# Note the change from ParameterEstimator to GPUFLOPEstimator
optimized_model = optimize_model(
    baseline_model, model_attributes, GPUFLOPEstimator, scheduler,
    X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, batch_size, epochs, optimizer, loss_fn, metric, increasing, rtol

# Evaluate optimized model
y_optimized = optimized_model.predict(X_test)
acc_optimized = accuracy_score(np.argmax(y_test, axis=1), np.argmax(y_optimized, axis=1))
print(f'Optimized Keras accuracy: {acc_optimized}')
# Note the difference in total number of parameters
# Optimizing GPU FLOPs is equivalent to removing entire structures (filters, neurons) from the network

Finally, optimizing Vivado DSPs is possible, given a hls4ml config:

from hls4ml.utils.config import config_from_keras_model
from hls4ml.optimization.dsp_aware_pruning.objectives.vivado_objectives import VivadoDSPEstimator

# Note the change from optimize_model to optimize_keras_model_for_hls4ml
# The function optimize_keras_model_for_hls4ml acts as a wrapper for the function, parsing hls4ml config to model attributes
from hls4ml.optimization import optimize_keras_model_for_hls4ml

# Create hls4ml config
default_reuse_factor = 4
default_precision = 'ac_fixed<16, 6>'
hls_config = config_from_keras_model(baseline_model, granularity='name', default_precision=default_precision, default_reuse_factor=default_reuse_factor)
hls_config['IOType'] = 'io_parallel'
 hls_config['Model']['Strategy'] = 'Resource'   # Strategy must be present for optimisation

# Optimize model
# Note the change from ParameterEstimator to VivadoDSPEstimator
optimized_model = optimize_keras_model_for_hls4ml(
    baseline_model, model_attributes, VivadoDSPEstimator, scheduler,
    X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, batch_size, epochs,
    optimizer, loss_fn, metric, increasing, rtol

# Evaluate optimized model
y_optimized = optimized_model.predict(X_test)
acc_optimized = accuracy_score(np.argmax(y_test, axis=1), np.argmax(y_optimized, axis=1))
print(f'Optimized Keras accuracy: {acc_optimized}')

There are two more Vivado “optimizers” - VivadoFFEstimator, aimed at reducing register utilisation and VivadoMultiObjectiveEstimator, aimed at optimising BRAM and DSP utilisation. Note, to ensure DSPs are optimized, “unrolled” Dense multiplication must be used before synthesing HLS, by modifying the config:

hls_config = config_from_keras_model(optimized_model)
hls_config['Model']['Strategy'] = 'Unrolled'
# Any addition hls4ml config, reuse factor etc...